Science Experiment

Now that you have some basic understanding of the scientific method, you are going to design an experiment.  You will share your experiment with the class.  You will create a Google doc in which you will do a lab write up.   Below are the instructions to this assignment.

  1. You will find a science experiment.

    • One that you can do by the end of this section.

    • Do not overburden yourselves with an experiment that takes money and too much time.

    • You must have a control.

    • You must have two variables.

    • You must be able to gather data and explain the data both verbally and visually.

  2. Question

    • Should be based on an observation/curiosity.

    • Come up with a question that you will try to prove.

  3. Hypothesis

    • Come up with a potential solution to the problem/question.

    • Remember it must be testable.

  4. Materials

    • Come up with a materials list for your experiment.

  5. Procedure

    • You will come up with a step-by-step procedure for your experiment.

    • This is the most important part.  Make sure your procedure is easy to follow.  I will read your procedure to you and you will have to follow them exactly.

    • Make sure you use standard units of measure. (mm, cm, m, ml, l, etc...)

  6. Observations

    • What happens with the control and the two variables?

    • What did you see, taste, smell, hear, and feel?

  7. Conclusion

    • The correct answer to your question as well as the scientific explanation.  This should be a one to two-paragraph scientific explanation.

    • Needs to include a statement that answers your question.

  8. Your Google doc needs to be:

    • neat

    • scientifically accurate

    • informative

    • interactive

    • visual

      1. Spelling and grammar will be graded on your presentation.

      2. Present your experiment in this order:  Question, hypothesis, materials needed, procedure, observations, and conclusions


You will have until today to plan the experiment with your group. You will present your experiment on [Dates] of next week.  Use Google or any of the science experiment books on the back table.  Please do not vandalize my books and put them up when you are done.  Groups may consist of 1, 2, or 3 students.  Make sure that if you work with partners you don’t choose a freeloader.   


The following are not allowed:

  1. Baking soda and vinegar experiments

  2. Anything that requires a pickle

  3. Anything that explodes.

  4. Mentos and Soda Experiments

  5. Cruelty to animals

REMEMBER:  You have to do an experiment that can be scientifically explained, so make sure you understand the science of why your experiment did what it did.

Students can access the materials below:

Science Experiment Instructions

Science Experiment Rubric:  Follow this to make sure you maximize your grade.


You can purchase the science experiment student instructions and rubric at Teachers Pay Teachers for $0.50.